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More animals in Cherry projects

Foto van schrijver: Cherry International FoundationCherry International Foundation

Many years ago, not long after Cherry was founded, Cherry used to have dogs in its activities. Yes, they would interact with the participants to practice leadership and communication skills.

With the time passing, with the growth of Cherry, and with the dogs reaching an older age, this practice fainted, and stayed as a dear memory amongst participants who experienced it, and told the experience to others.

Participants ask every years if Cherry will insert animal in its projects once again, as in the past. We can now gladly say that YES, this is in our plans and not only...but we want to incorporate it as one of Cherry's methodologies.

After this year's (2024) youth exchanges, we created a survey asking participants how the short presence of baby cat Siri impacted them. The results are amazing, and we are sharing them with you.

Also, we will incorporate this change in our volunteering program, which will focus on the creation of a small-scale, social cat hotel.

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